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Student Life

Student Life is here for you; our most basic task is helping students get the most out of their experiences at the college. With Student Life you can find your own niche on campus; connect with students within or beyond your residence hall, organization, or academic program; get involved in student organizations, leadership opportunities, and campus jobs and internships; and choose the housing and dining and living options that work best for you.

Arts & Culture

Our students have a opportunity—both on and off campus—to witness, experience, and engage in arts and culture from around the world. They have a chance to see life from a variety of perspectives, and they’re better off because of it.

Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning can enhance our understanding of the world around us, provide us with more and better opportunities and improve our quality of life.

Physical Activity

Evidence suggests that increasing physical activity and physical fitness may improve academic performance and that time in the school day dedicated to recess, physical education class, and physical activity in the classroom may also facilitate academic performance.

Student's Section


PRABHAT ACADEMY revels fosters amicable learning environment.


Our Alumni is our pride. The Alumni Association of PRABHAT ACADEMY was established in 2014. ...

Center for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship

Innovation requires nothing short of a paradigm shift in the established ways of thinking. The zeal to explore and dare to break the boundaries is encouraged among students.

Hobby Clubs

Students get plenty of opportunities to explore & discover their talents & interests through hobby clubs in various extracurricular activities. The university believes in the potential of young minds and provides them with a platform to showcase their latent talents. We believe in holistic education.

Anti - Ragging

Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:     

  • Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.
  • Indulging in rowdy or in disciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student.
  • Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student.
  • Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher.
  • Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
  • Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students.
  • Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person;
  • Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student.
  • Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher.
  • Any act of physical or mental abuse (including bullying and exclusion) targeted at another student (fresher or otherwise) on the ground of colour, race, religion, caste, ethnicity, gender (including transgender), sexual orientation, appearance, nationality, regional origins, linguistic identity, place of birth, place of residence or economic background.

Prabhat Academy takes act of ragging very seriously and maintains a ragging free campus. It takes all necessary action to maintain the decorum and take disciplinary action as and when require.


Student Grievances

The Student's Grievance Cell desires to promote and maintain a conducive and unprejudiced educational environment. The objectives of Students Grievance Cell include the following:

To support, those students who have been deprived of the services offered by the College, for which he/she is entitled.

To make officials of the College responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.

To ensure effective solution to the student's grievances with an impartial and fair approach.     

The Cell enables a student to express feelings by initiating and pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the College. 'Student's Grievance Cell' enquires and analyses the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Emphasis on procedural fairness has been given with a view to "the right to be heard and right to be treated without bias".

During the year no such major grievances were received. Grievances otherwise received were forwarded to the viceprincipals for immediate redressal. In all such cases prompt action were taken and the matter sorted out. In all cases the aggrieved student was informed of the measures taken and checks in the system were introduced to ensure there was no repetition of the same.

Objectives of Students' Grievance Cell

  • To support, those students who have been deprived of the services offered by the college, for which he / she is entitled. To make officials of the college responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.
  • To make officials of the college responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.
  • To ensure effective solution to the students' grievances with an impartial and fair approach.


  • Redressal of Students' Grievances to solve their academic and administrative problems.
  • To co-ordinate between students and Departments / Sections to redress the grievances.
  • To guide ways and means to the students to redress their problems.

Students' Grievance Procedure

The grievance procedure is a machinery to sort out the issues between student and college. It is a means by which a student who believe that, he / she has been treated unfairly with respect to his / her academic / administrative affairs or is convinced to be discriminated is redressed. It is a device to settle a problem. It enables to express feelings by initiating and pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college.

It involves a process of investigation in which 'Student's Grievance Cell' enquires and analyses the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Matters are disclosed to only those, who have a legitimate role in resolving the matter. Emphasis on procedural fairness has been given with a view to "the right to be heard and right to be treated without bias".

Send your Grievance : E-mail: [email protected]

Eligibility for Admission

For Diploma Programme

10th from any recognized Board with 35% Marks.

For Under-Graduate Programme

Candidates must be at least a pass-out of Class XII.

Candidates who wish to apply for the B.A, B.Com and B.Sc programmes offered by the college must complete their qualifying Class 12 examination with minimum marks as specified for each programme offered. which differs.

Training & Placements

Organising Training Programmes, Seminars, Workshops and Guest Lectures.

Tie ups with reputed assessment organizations.

Organising Industrial Tour and Training.

Nurturing relationship with Alumni and providing help in resolving their problems.

Conducting Entrepreneurship programmes.

Maximum efforts putting in training of students for employability and it commences at First Year level itself.



Pizone Student Dashboard


The Prabhat Academy is a fine ensemble in terms of the latest networking and WiFi Infrastructure.

Computer Center

The Computer Centre is fully equipped Computer Labs.


Pzone Intranet


The library has subscribed 220 text journals and 297 e-journals.

Communication Lab

Professional Communication Lab is software based and well equipped with 65 workstations.

Our Gallery Photos

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Student Guidence Cell

  • Women's Cell
  • Career Guidence Cell
  • Student Welfare Committee

Women's Cell

"Empowerment of women leads to development of a good family, good society and ultimately, a good nation- A.P.J.ABDUL KALAAM"

Women cell at PRABHAT ACADEMY aims at empowering and orienting women to recognize their true potential and to help them attain their own stand in a competing world. Its goal is the overall development in all spheres of their life.

The main aim of the Women cell in PRABHAT ACADEMY is to look into any complaint filed by students and staff about women grievances at the college level.

The functions of the cell are purely to safeguard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members and also to provide a platform for listening the complaints. The cell also tries to incorporate hygiene habits and ensure healthy atmosphere in and around the campus.      


  • To mould potential women force in the campus to achieve thriving mile stones of success.
  • Empowering women to attain emotional, physical and mental freedom to withstand the changing phase of their life.
  • To enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of women students, faculty and staff in the college.
  • To develop critical thinking ability of women students such that it enhances decision-making ability. To women cell has been formed to resolve issues pertaining to grievances filed by students or staff.
  • To provide a platform for listening to complaints.
  • To incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a health atmosphere in and around the college campus
  • To ensure personality along with academic development of students
  • To promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.
  • To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude among young girls, scientists at the earliest so that they can be “job givers” rather than “job takers”.


The Women Protection Cell functions for the protection of the rights and any sorts of violence against them. As such, during the orientation programme the students are given information regarding the function of women cell. The women teacher-trainees as well as the staff members are advised to put their problems in writing in the suggestion/complaint boxes fixed in different places of the institution or to discuss directly with the members of the women cell. In case any such problem is reported the members of the cell try to solve the problem through their personal interaction with the complainants and if the matter seems to be out of control, it is to be reported to the Dean of the institution. In case of any such problem the staff as well as the students are expected to report the matter directly to the person in charge of the cell or to put their problems in writing in the Suggestion/ complaints box fixed in different places of the institution.

Career Guidence Cell

Career Guidance Cell was established on 21st December 2016, for benefitting the students of PRABHAT ACADEMY Basar to excel in their bright career opportunities. The Career Guidance Cell (CGC) offers services such as advice, guidance, and counseling on careers.

All students may avail the free services for a number of purposes such as job hunting, building career skills and professional development. The CGC services usually employ professional career counselors, coaches and guides to mentor their students.

Student Welfare Committee

"Every student can learn,Just not on the same day,Or the same way”

Following these beautiful lines quoted by famous personality George Evans. he Student Welfare Committee endeavors to help a student’s educational process to advance their academic as well as personal abilities.

It targets at avoiding the hindrances that may come in the path of a student’s learning process so that they can be qualified professionally upon the national and international levels. This committee complies with the policies set by the College in order to facilitate a positive academic environment to the students and help them to proceed in their career with minimal obstruction. During the stay of a student in the campus, this committee is responsible for solving all the student’s grievances.